
Showing posts with the label #learning

JavaScript Array map() Method

  .map() returns a new array of elements where you have applied some function on the element so that it changes the original element. Explanation: You already have an array with values. let details = [ { id : "1" , lastName : "Node js" } , { id : "2" , lastName : "Angular js" } , { id : "3 " , lastName : "React js" } ] ; And you want only name from the array: [Node js, Angular js, React js] So, here we use the map() function of JavaScript:  The  method allows you to iterate over an array and modify its elements using a callback function.  How to use map() var newArray = (data) {   return }); Here, newArray is a new Array that stores the value which has been map. Here data(Can name as per you want)  variable is used to store all details array values. Then, will return all the values having the name in the data(details) array. Can also use ES6 arrow fun...

Mental health - Depression

What is depression? Depression is classified as a mood disorder. It may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that interfere with a person’s everyday activities. Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression. In the 15-30 age group suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death. Every year more than 800,000 people commit suicide. To heal a would we need to accept there is one. If we see a wound on the leg we apply medicine to heal it. But in Mental depression, we don't see that we are injured. Myth about  Depression 1) There is a difference between sadness and depression. Sadness: It's just adjustment disorder, something happens from which you are unhappy. Depression: It doesn't mean unhappiness, many healthy, wealthy people suffer this. This is a feeling of loss of all energy, mood, and happiness and this feeling lasts for a long time. 2) Depression is in your head. Many people think, depression i...

Loose or maintain your body weight without workout or diet

Don't want to workout or diet but still want to loose or maintain your weight? You can  adopt   Intermittent  fas ting (IF ) . Intermittent fas ting (IF ) is currently one of the world’s most popular health and fitness trends. People are using it to lose weight, improve their health and simplify their lifestyles. It have powerful effects on body and brain.

Slumdog Millionaire - Kalpana Saroj

This is story of Kalpana Saroj .   She is described as the ' original slumdog millionaire ', she was born in poverty and faced inhuman abuse, she overcame impossible odds to become one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country. Today she is at the height of a $112 million empire that is growing rapidly. How she did that is as heart breaking as it is faith affirming.  The lesson we need to understand from her journey: “ Degrees and MBAs are not what make successful. Courage, Perseverance and superhuman ability to have faith in yourself does.  ” She was born in Vidarbha (Maharashtra) at 1961. She belongs to Dalit family. Her father was a constable and they used to live in the police quarters. She had three sisters and two brothers. She lives with her parents, siblings, uncle, aunt and grandfather. Her father income was just Rs 300 per month. She was studying in government school. She was bright student. In the quarter where they stayed, she used to play w...